
Timezone Query Support


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Are you serving clients across different timezones? You’ll first want to make sure your dashboards reflect the timezone your user is currently in. To do so, we added a powerful timezone feature... Check!

But imagine now: you’re based in Amsterdam and you make a sale at 1am today? If you are based in US, that transaction would be reflected in your sales numbers of yesterday.

Luzmo now automatically supports this type of aggregation: set a default timezone for your organization directly from your profile settings. In addition, you can set a timezone from the dashboard editor in 3 ways:

  • Inherit: which uses the timezone of the Luzmo user
  • Browser: which uses the timezone of the browser you’re currently using
  • Fixed: set a specific timezone for that dashboard by choosing a timezone from the dropdown list

Do you have dashboards integrated in your own application? Then you can also override the timezone directly inside the Luzmo embed script.

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