
Dashboard: Digital Music Streaming - Facts and Figures

Data Visualization
Jun 21, 2023
Dashboard: Digital Music Streaming - Facts and Figures

Did you know that approximately 1.2 billion people use digital music streaming services? That equals 15% of the global population! Needless to say that people around the world find joy while listening to music.

For the occasion of World Music Day - and the approaching festival season - it seemed fitting to take a closer look at digital music streaming globally. More specifically, we looked into which countries use digital music services the most. And guess what? You can even be a part of this global musical wave by launching your own live audio streaming platform. Imagine creating a space where music enthusiasts can share their favorite tunes in real-time, turning the act of listening into a communal experience.

Secondly, we also found some interesting data on the worlds biggest player in said industry, Spotify.

This dashboard is the fourth installment in our series of interactive, educational Luzmo dashboards. This month, we will dive deeper into the world of digital music streaming. Experience the joy of data visualization!

In the dashboard, you'll find statistics about the following topics:

  • Usage of digital music streaming services globally
  • Spotify users & employees

Data sources:

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